(i) Number 3 is prime or it is odd. (ii) All integers are positive or negative. (iii) 100 is divisible by 3, 11 and 5.
Home==>exercise 14.2 (ncert class 11th maths)
eduhilfe Latest Questions
Asked: September 2, 2020In: NCERT 11th Maths
(i) The number x is not a rational number. The number x is not an irrational number. (ii) The number x is a rational number. The number x is an irrational number.
Asked: September 2, 2020In: NCERT 11th Maths
(i) Chennai is the capital of Tamil Nadu. (ii) √2 is not a complex number. (iii) All triangles are not equilateral triangle. (iv) The number 2 is greater than 7. (v) Every natural number is an integer.